
KABIL & CSIR-IMMT team up for mineral tech

In a significant move towards bolstering India's mineral security and advancing technological capabilities in mineral processing, Khanij Bidesh India (KABIL) has inked an MoU with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT).

MET approves 309 mineral exploration projects worth Rs 21 bn

The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) has granted approval to 309 projects with an estimated total cost of Rs 21 billion for conducting regional and detailed exploration activities throughout the country

Coal and Mines Ministry reviews National Mineral Exploration Trust

The Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Coal and Mines had convened at the Parliament House Annexe on September 19th to assess the performance of the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET).

Madhya Pradesh invites tenders for auctioning 51 mineral blocks

In an effort to enhance India's self-reliance in strategic resources, the government of Madhya Pradesh has issued a notice inviting tenders (NIT) for the auction of 51 mineral blocks.

Embracing the Rental Revolution

Rental penetration is a bit low in the mining equipment industry, but it is increasing on YOY basis due to awareness and availability of latest mining equipment.

Mines Ministry approves Rs 1.54 bn for NMET’s exploration

Under the direction of Vivek Bharadwaj, Secretary Ministry of Mines, the Executive Committee (EC) meeting of the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) Ministry of Mines was convened.

Use of automation in road construction may increase

Share insights on technological up-gradation that has happened recently or might happen in near future in the construction and engineering business.

There is an increase in demand for underground equipment

Sandeep Mathur, Brand Leader, New Holland CASE Construction Equipment, shares light on technological upgradation happened recently.

Companies all over the world are turning to digital integration to increase efficiency in the mining process.

In recent years, mining companies have adopted a growing range of digital solutions. Many have mechanised their operations, moved from the physical to the digital realm by adding equipment sensors.

One of the major demand drivers is increase in demand for underground mining equipment

With the mining sector being one of the core industries of the economy, it has witnessed year-to-year growth. In terms of trends, there were positive signs in the manufacturing and mining activity that recorded a higher relative growth performance last year.

There is a demand surge for crushers in the iron ore segment: Ranjit Ravindran

While the demand for newer machines is not that bullish the existing population of machines is fully optimised to undertake current developmental activities in mining and infrastructure. Ranjit Ravindran, Business Head – Mining, Voltas, shares more on the market dynamics.

On a Positive Note

The 13th International Mining and Machinery Exhibition 2016 (IMME 2016) held during November 16-19 concluded with a positive note on a possible turnaround of Indian mining industry in the coming years. The 13th Global Mining Summit (GMS) 2016 also held concurrently with the IMME 2016.

Showcasing Mining Opportunities

The IMME 2014 is poised to showcase the best-in-class equipment, technology and services for the mining industry.

Mining Potential

With the growing demand for increased output of coal and iron ore and other minerals, the demand for mining equipment and machinery is expected grow manifold.